Windows Installation
(Includes a Startup and Update Utility)
Install the prerequisites on your machine
Download chatgpt-clone
Download the latest release here:
Or by clicking on the green code button in the top of the page and selecting "Download ZIP"
Or (Recommended if you have Git installed) pull the latest release from the main branch
If you downloaded a zip file, extract the content in "C:/chatgpt-clone/"
IMPORTANT : If you install the files somewhere else modify the instructions accordingly
** Enable the Conversation search feature:** (optional)
Download MeiliSearch latest release from :
Copy it to "C:/chatgpt-clone/"
Rename the file to "meilisearch.exe"
Open it by double clicking on it
Copy the generated Master Key and save it somewhere (You will need it later)
Download and Install Node.js
Navigate to and to download the latest Node.js version for your OS (The Node.js installer includes the NPM package manager.)
Create a MongoDB database
Navigate to and Sign In or Create an account
Create a new project
Build a Database using the free plan and name the cluster (example: chatgpt-clone)
Use the "Username and Password" method for authentication
Add your current IP to the access list
Then in the Database Deployment tab click on Connect
In "Choose a connection method" select "Connect your application"
Driver = Node.js / Version = 4.1 or later
Copy the connection string and save it somewhere(you will need it later)
Get your OpenAI API key
here: and save it somewhere safe (you will need it later)
Get your Bing Access Token
Using MS Edge, navigate to
Make sure you are logged in
Open the DevTools by pressing F12 on your keyboard
Click on the tab "Application" (On the left of the DevTools)
Expand the "Cookies" (Under "Storage")
You need to copy the value of the "_U" cookie, save it somewhere, you will need it later
Create the ".env" File You will need all your credentials, (API keys, access tokens, and Mongo Connection String, MeileSearch Master Key)
Open "C:/chatgpt-clone/api/.env.example" in a text editor
At this line MONGO_URI="mongodb://" Replace mongodb:// with the MondoDB connection string you saved earlier, remove "&w=majority" at the end
It should look something like this: "MONGO_URI="mongodb+srv://"
At this line OPENAI_KEY= you need to add your openai API key
Add your Bing token to this line BINGAI_TOKEN= (needed for BingChat & Sydney)
If you want to enable Search, SEARCH=TRUE if you do not want to enable search SEARCH=FALSE
Add your previously saved MeiliSearch Master key to this line MEILI_MASTER_KEY= (the key is needed if search is enabled even on local install or you may encounter errors)
Save the file as "C:/chatgpt-clone/api/.env"
Run the app
Using the command line
npm ci
in the "C:/chatgpt-clone/api" directoryRun
npm ci
in the "C:/chatgpt-clone/client" directoryRun
npm run build
in the "C:/chatgpt-clone/client"Run
"meilisearch --master-key put_your_meilesearch_Master_Key_here"
in the "C:/chatgpt-clone" directory (Only if SEARCH=TRUE)Run
npm start
in the "C:/chatgpt-clone/api" directoryVisit http://localhost:3080 (default port) & enjoy
Using a batch file
Make a batch file to automate the starting process
Open a text editor
Paste the following code in a new document
Put your MeiliSearch master key instead of "your_master_key_goes_here"
Save the file as "C:/chatgpt-clone/chatgpt-clone.bat"
you can make a shortcut of this batch file and put it anywhere
Update the app version
If you update the chatgpt-clone project files, mannually redo the npm ci
and npm run build
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