Mac Installation
Mac Install
Thanks to @heathriel!
Install the prerequisites:
Install Homebrew (if not already installed) by following the instructions on
Install Node.js and npm by running
brew install node
Install MongoDB (if not using Docker) by running
brew tap mongodb/brew
andbrew install mongodb-community
Install Docker (optional) by following the instructions on
Obtain an OpenAI API key, BingAI and ChatGPT access tokens as described in the original instructions
Install Homebrew (if not already installed) by following the instructions on
Install Node.js and npm by running brew install node
Install MongoDB (if not using Docker) by running brew tap mongodb/brew and brew install mongodb-community
Open Terminal and clone the repository by running git clone
Change into the cloned directory by running cd chatgpt-clone
If using MongoDB Atlas, remove &w=majority from the default connection string Follow the instructions for setting up proxies, access tokens, and user system:
Access Tokens:
ChatGPT Free Instructions:
To get your Access token for ChatGPT 'Free Version', log in to, then visit
Warning: There may be a high chance of your account being banned with this method. Continue doing so at your own risk.
BingAI Instructions:
To get the Bing Access Token, navigate to using a web browser such as Chrome or Safari, and ensure you're logged in.
Open the Developer Tools (in Chrome or Safari, press Cmd + Option + I).
Click on the "Application" tab (Chrome) or "Storage" tab (Safari).
Expand the "Cookies" section under "Storage".
Copy the value of the "_U" cookie and save it somewhere. You'll need it later.
Set up proxy in the local environment (for Mac):
Option 1: Set system-level environment variable
Open Terminal and run export PROXY=""
Change to your proxy server
Option 2: Set in .env file
Open the .env file in the api directory with a text editor
Add PROXY="" to the file
Change to your proxy server
Set up proxy in the Docker environment (for Mac):
Open the docker-compose.yml file with a text editor
Under services, find the api section, and then locate the environment section
Add the line - "PROXY=" under the environment section
Change to your proxy server
Create a .env file in the api directory by running cp api/.env.example api/.env and edit the file with your preferred text editor, adding the required API keys, access tokens, and MongoDB connection string
Run npm ci root directory
npm ci
Build the client by running
npm run frontend
Download MeiliSearch for macOS:
You can download the latest MeiliSearch binary for macOS from their GitHub releases page: Look for the file named meilisearch-macos-amd64 (or the equivalent for your system architecture) and download it.
Make the binary executable:
Open Terminal and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the MeiliSearch binary. Run the following command to make it executable:
Run MeiliSearch:
Now that the binary is executable, you can start MeiliSearch by running the following command, replacing your_master_key_goes_here with your desired master key:
MeiliSearch will start running on the default port, which is 7700. You can now use MeiliSearch in your ChatGPT-Clone project.
Remember to include the MeiliSearch URL and Master Key in your .env file in the api directory. Your .env file should include the following lines:
With MeiliSearch running and configured, the ChatGPT-Clone project should now have the Conversation search feature enabled.
In the chatgpt-clone directory, start the application by running cd api && npm start Visit http://localhost:3080 (default port) & enjoy
Optional but recommended:
Create a script to automate the starting process by creating a new file named in the chatgpt-clone directory and pasting the following code:
Make the script executable by running
Start ChatGPT-Clone by running
To share within the network or serve as a public server, set HOST to in the .env file.
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